Neil Robertson beats Li Yuan – Riga Masters 2018-2019 – Snooker


Former world champion Neil Robertson lost the opening frame but recovered well after Li Yuan in the first round of the Riga Masters.

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The event in Latvia is the first event of the new season and Robertson was ranked fifth for the tournament.


Yuan, 28, took first place, but Robertson, 36, responded with 55 and 78 seconds breaks in the second frame to level things off.

A 61-year break gave him the advantage and another 81 saw him back down after Yuan equalized.

Robertson ends the game with a break of 59 and sets up an enticing match with Liang Wenbo in the next round after the 14th round of seed Kurt Maflin 4- 2.

Third seed Shaun Murphy missed as much as possible when he missed a mere yellow over 120 but still enjoyed a comfortable 4-0 win over David Lilley .

Joe Perry finished, beating Robert Milkins 4-3, just like the second last year Stephen Maguire who beat Gerard Greene 4 -1.


Simon Bedford 4-0 Niu Zhuang

Joe Perry 4-3 Robert Milkins

Stephen Maguire 4-1 Gerard Greene

Michael White 4-3 David B Gilbert

Zhang Yong 4-0 Rory McLeod

Scott Donaldson 4-3 Robin Hull

Liang Wenbo 4-2 Kurt Maflin

Stuart Carrington 4-3 Fergal O & # 39; Brien

Craig Steadman 4-1 Zhou Yuelong

Lukas Kleckers 4-3 Robbie Williams

Joe Swail 4-2 Mei Xiwen

Shaun Murphy 4-0 David Lilley

Zhao Xintong 4-0 Nigel Bond

Jamie Jones 4-2 Rod Lawler

Mark King 4-2 Xu Si

Chris Wakelin without Sam Craigie

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