July 12 (Reuters) – New Manchester City rookie, Riyad Mahrez, decided to win the Champions League after completing his transfer from Leicester City
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Manchester City, who won the Premier League last season with a record 100 points, failed in the Champions League, losing to Liverpool in the quarterfinals.
Mahrez, who joined Man City Tuesday for Ā£ 60 million (79 million dollars), said he has the tools to lift the European football elite trophy next season on Thursday.
"It's a club that wants to win this type of trophy," said the 27-year-old at a press conference.
"The Champions League is for big clubs, the city is a great club with everything you need to win the Champions League."
"That's why I'm here, why I made the decision to come here, because I want to be part of that."
Mahrez was wanted by Man City manager Pep Guardiola in January, but the club did not respect the player's assessment by Leicester, which prompted the Algerian to submit a transfer request and skip the # 39; drive.
"Maybe it could have happened earlier but it's fate, it happened like that," he added.
"If I moved out earlier, maybe I would not have been happy, now I am very happy to have moved to City."
"I do not want to talk too much about the past, now I'm here and it's the most important."
Mahrez could make his Premier League debut in the opening match of the city at Arsenal on August 12th. ($ 1 = 0.7559 books) (Report by Arnab Paul in Bengaluru edited by Toby Davis)
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