New road signs detect telephone signals and warn drivers not to use mobile phones


We can all agree that when you drive, your attention should be on the road. This includes not being on your phone. Hell, it's even against the law now. Just get rid of it or receive a fine.

Well, there will now be road signs in some parts of the country to catch motorists who still think they can talk or use their phone when they are on the road.

Do not worry, they will not be able to catch you, register your registration number, and fine you – maybe unfortunately – but they can warn you that they know you're there .

It can only be a matter of time before they find a way to catch you, so it's better for everyone if you stop now.

  Credit: Norfolk County Council

The first of the three Signs (costing about £ 6,000 each) will be presented today on the roads around Norwich, Norfolk

Signals can detect the signal sent by a handset that is in a car – do not ask me how, but they can.

If you pass by while your phone is transmitting a signal, the light will come on to warn you to exit your phone and warn other drivers around you that you are breaking the law.

They can not tell if you're there or not, but they are meant to warn you of the dangers of using a phone while controlling a car.

They were developed as part of a partnership between the Norfolk County Council Road Safety Team and the Westcotec Signage Technology Company

  Credit: Norfolk County Coucil

Although – as mentioned – they can not In fact, they are collecting data about you and provide the authorities with this data to determine where are the hot spots for mobile phone use . Chris Spinks, of Westcotec's marketing team, said, "The goal of the technology is to remind drivers of the law and get out of their phone.

" As As a local company, we are excited to be able to test this technology first in Norfolk. "We are pleased to assist the Norfolk County Council in raising awareness of the dangers of using the cell phone in the car."

If you are caught using your phone, you have six points on your license.

  Credit: PA

Inspector John Chapman, who works for the Norfolk Roads Police Unit, said, "We will use information to help us target drivers." In the region. the future, but the message is simple – leave your phone alone while you're driving.

"The use of a phone while driving is one of the four deadly offenses that can have devastating consequences in the event of a fatal or serious collision"

It is enough to use a phone while driving. having a hands-free kit is not worth it.

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