Next Features and Features Xbox being decided with the input of Japanese developers


It's no secret that the upcoming Xbox is in development and Xbox's boss, Phil Spencer, is courting game developers to decide what types of features and specifications the next Xbox will have. Although this is normal for most console manufacturers, Spencer works closely with Japanese game developers. Considering that the Xbox One lacks the variety of experiences we've seen on the PS4 like Yakuza 0, Persona 5, and Nioh, it seems like Spencer has the intention of bridging the gap.

According to an interview with Famitsu (via Game Rant), Spencer talked about several trips to Japan to visit the developers. They let him play the games before the liberation and tell him about their goals. He believes this link is important for fostering a relationship between platform owners like Microsoft and game creators.

He did not mention specific companies that provide information on the upcoming Xbox. "innovations" that they want to see that could be incorporated into the new console (or family of consoles). This could result in a variety of features and improved specifications (perhaps using high-speed GDDR6 memory).

Spencer also said that the next Xbox will focus on the frame rate and start games faster, which is predictable given the bad optimization of the Xbox One operating system. Fans should expect to know more about the upcoming Xbox and other ways that Microsoft plans to appeal to the Japanese audience while others will likely be revealed. next year. We will not be surprised if these imply timed / permanent exclusives or if Microsoft is simply buying back Japanese developers.

If you are a video game fan, check out the podcast about Transition Games, Gadgets 360. You can listen to it via Apple Podcasts or RSS, or just listen to this week's episode by clicking on the play button below.

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