Next solar probe gets its important heat shield


  Parker Space Probe Construction

NASA / APL Johns Hopkins / Ed Whitman

The Parker Space Probe is getting ready for its moment in the hot spotlights. While NASA is preparing the probe to get closer to the sun more than any man-made object in history, its Thermal Protection System (TPS) has been installed.

The Parker will enter the sun's crown, a plasma envelope surrounding star. Solar coronas extend over millions of kilometers in space, and Parker will arrive within 4 million miles of the sun. This will mark the closest humanity ever reached to the star that is responsible for any existence known in the universe, and the Parker will give unprecedented information on the inner workings of the crown of the world. A star.

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GST being installed.

NASA / APL Johns Hopkins / Ed Whitman [19659009] The Parker will depend on his TPS to prevent him from getting roasted. Eight feet in diameter, it will keep everything under its shadow, the darkest part of a shade, at a safe temperature. When the Parker enters the sun's crown, the temperature of the heat shield reaches 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Under the ombra, however, things will stay around 85 degrees Fahrenheit, the perfect time of the beach.

Perhaps the most surprising element of the GST is its weight. The shield that will protect a space probe from the assault of the sun's heat weighs only 160 pounds. This weight comes from the design and frontal encounter: the Parker needs all the speed necessary to reach the orbit. Composed of two panels of carbon-carbon composite superheated on each side of a light core of carbon foam 4.5 inches thick, this core is composed of 97% air.

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This attachment of the TPS is a kind of meeting. The shield was first attached to the Parker test in 2017, but this time it is different. It's permanent, the first time the Parker was fully integrated before its launch in August.

The Parker has all sorts of tricks to avoid overheating, solar panels that will not crack under the temperatures up to the pressurized water. He will probably need all.

Source: NASA

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