Night job threatens the development of cancer


Ночная работа грозит развитием ракаAfter dark human cells go into night mode.

Scientists have found that night work is threatened by the development of cancer. According to experts, night work, as in principle the replacement of the sleep in any type of wakefulness is contrary to the internal clock of the human body, – this fact in different health disorders, including cancer.

Poluektov said that with the onset of the dark cells of the body under the action of the genetic mechanism. If a person has a night job, he is forced to sleep in the afternoon, it threatens the development of a lag – desynchronosis.

According to the expert, who says that the DS, which develops at work, increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer, for example, in women. So, night shift nurses and flight attendants threatening the development of breast cancer by 40% and 70%, respectively.

Available at: Scientists emphasize that any person during a night's sleep is a critical recovery of the cells, the night before and the night before the night. In this context, the development of cancer – along with obesity, crashing metabolism, diabetes.

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