Nutritionists have suggested, what kind of candy you can eat during weight loss


Диетологи подсказали, какие сладости можно есть во время похуденияNamed the most safe sweets for the figure.

Researchers from the United States reported that they conducted studies that are the cause of weight gain.

According to scientists, in fact, it is wrong to lose weight because of the people who gain weight, because you can recover from any product or maintain a passive lifestyle. You can eat above normal amounts of calories, such as fish and meat.

Scientists say that eating sweets is not in itself a reason for gaining weight. Those with a sweet tooth have a smaller waist than those who do not consume sweets at all. However, the fact is that the sweet contains a lot of calories and hard to stop.

The experiment was conducted over 5 years involving about 19 thousand people.

Thus, the use of certain types of sweets can have a positive effect on human health. For example, eating chocolate reduces the risk of certain diseases, as, for example, the risk of metabolic syndrome, and 14% the risk of developing hypertension.

According to nutritionists, if you eat no more than 10% of the daily value for calories, that you can not worry about the shape, and there is a number of sweets without worrying about the figure.

However, the answer to this question is to give preference to healthy sweets that do not contain large quantities of preservatives and dyes, such as black chocolate or marmalade.

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