Pakistan: Blasphemy: Asia Bibi remains in prison despite acquittal | News from the world


Asia Bibi, a Christian farm worker whose blasphemy provoked violent protests and assassinations in Pakistan, is still in prison a week after the country's Supreme Court overturned her conviction.

Her husband and children live in a secret address in Pakistan, fearing for their lives and have repeatedly called on the international community to contribute to the safety of the entire family.

"Help us out of Pakistan. We are extremely worried because our lives are in danger. We do not even have anything to eat, because we can not leave the house to buy food, "said Ashiq Masih, Bibi's husband, to Aid to the Church in distress, which militates for freedom of religion.

He told BBC World Service that he had not seen Bibi since his acquittal and that the family was worried about his safety. Religious extremists threatened to kill her.

Saiful Mulook, Bibi's lawyer, fled Pakistan this weekend after receiving death threats. He asks for asylum in the Netherlands.

An agreement reached between the government and religious conservatives to end three days of protests left Bibi in stalemate – technically free, but unable to be released.

As part of the deal, the government agreed to allow a review of the Supreme Court ruling, released last Wednesday, which should be the final decision in this long-running case.

Asia Bibi: demonstrations erupt in Pakistan after the cancellation of the conviction for blasphemy – video

"Asia Bibi is in Multan Prison and has not been released yet. We have not yet been ordered to release her, "said Zawar Hussain Warraich, Minister of Prisons in Punjab Province.

He stated that she was "well protected by prison staff" and that she would be released as soon as a directive would be received.

Canada, France and Spain plan to offer asylum to Bibi and his family. Her husband also called on the United Kingdom and the United States to provide a safe haven.

In Italy, Matteo Salvini, the intransigent and uncompromising interior minister, said that he would do "all that is humanly possible" to ensure the safety of Bibi and his family, in Italy or elsewhere.

Bibi spent eight years on death row after being convicted of blasphemy after fighting with Muslim women in his village. Two Pakistani politicians were killed for publicly backing him and criticizing Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

The Supreme Court's decision to overturn the verdict last week led to violent protests throughout Pakistan and called for the death of the judges of the case.

Religious conservatives said they would step up their demonstrations if Bibi was allowed to leave the country. The government has indicated that it will prohibit him from traveling abroad.

Asia Bibi in a Sheikhupura prison near Lahore, Pakistan.

Asia Bibi in a Sheikhupura prison near Lahore, Pakistan. Photography: AP

Imran Khan, Pakistani prime minister since July, has been criticized for being delivered to extremists for this affair.

"Mr. Khan came to power earlier this year with the promise of restoring the rule of law, defending the rights of the oppressed and marginalized, and delivering justice. After all, his party calls itself the Justice Movement, "said Omar Waraich of Amnesty International.

"But what does it mean even when, in just two days' time, he has warned the crowd against the use of violence, to comply with their demands? "

Khan's former wife, Jemima Goldsmith, accused him on Twitter of giving in to "extremist demands to ban #AsiaBibi." to leave [Pakistan]after being acquitted of blasphemy – actually signing his death warrant ".

Christian leaders have not yet spoken in Bibi's name. Pope Francis did not address the issue of persecution of Christians in this case, and neither did Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the World Anglican Communion, nor Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster and the oldest of the Catholics of England and Wales, have responded to requests for comment.

The Religious Liberty Commission, a coalition of organizations fighting the persecution of Christians, called on Khan to let Bibi leave the country.

"Following his unjust imprisonment and his long-awaited release, it is clear that life in Asia is in danger in Pakistan … While other people involved in this case continue to flee the country, we assert that the security of Asia now falls to Prime Minister Khan, "It said.

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