Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi released from prison | News from the world


Ahed Tamimi, a 17-year-old Palestinian filmed slapping and kicking two Israeli soldiers in front of her house, was released after serving an eight-month sentence.

his hometown alongside his mother, Nariman, who was also imprisoned and aired the incident on December 15 on Facebook, which then went viral.

Under an agreement accepted by the Israeli military court, Ahed pleaded guilty to four charges, including assault, incitement to hatred and two counts of obstruction of the soldiers. The high-level trial was held in camera.

Supporters greet the teenager as an icon of Palestinian activism and say that his case illustrates the brutality resulting from 50 years of occupation. The event took place shortly after hearing Israeli soldiers seriously hurt his 15-year-old cousin, as they shot at the head with a rubber bullet during a clash with stones .

His case also drew attention to the arrest and detention of Palestinian minors by Israel. According to Saleh Higazi, head of the Amnesty International office in Jerusalem, Ms. Ahed has served an "unfair conviction based on the ridiculous principle that it poses a threat to the heavily armed and protected forces," Saleh Higazi said. soldiers. This is a great relief for Ahmed Tamimi's loved ones, but their joy will be tempered by the injustice of his imprisonment and the fact that many other Palestinian children still languish in Israeli jails, although that they have not committed any recognizable crime. "[19659002ÀNabiSalehunvillagecélèbrepoursesnombreusesannéesdemanifestationsanti-occupationquisesoldentsouventpardesjetsdepierresetledéploiementdegazlacrymogènesdesdrapeauxpalestiniensontétéinstalléssurletoitdelamaisondelafamilleTamimiLamèreetlafilleontétéaccueilliesavecjoiealorsqu'ellesentraientdimanche

" The resistance continues until & # 39; that the & # 39; occupation is removed, "Ahed said." All prisoners are firm. I greet all those who supported me and my case. "

His father, Bassem, said that other prisons had helped his daughter finish her high school exams in prison and that she had received scholarships for foreign universities.

In Israel, many praised the restraint of the two soldiers and accused the Tamimis of setting up filmed provocations, Israeli Minister of Culture Miri Regev described the teenager as a "terrorist"

Israel captured and occupied the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem during the 1967 war against Jordan, Egypt, and Syria, and through the military regime it retains control over most of the world. of the West Bank, where Palestinians have limited autonomy.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

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