Paper Round: Manchester United weighing 12 M £ Xherdan Shaqiri – Premier League 2018-2019 – Football


Manchester United considers Xherdan Shaqiri, city monitor Daniel Arzani, Everton makes a move for Yerry Mina and Jack Wilshere begins negotiations with West Ham.

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Mourinho considers the change of Shaqiri

The boss of Manchester United is considering an offer for the Swiss international Stoke City, Xherdan Shaqiri. Jose Mourinho was impressed by the performance of the 26-year-old playmaker in Russia at the World Cup, and since he is available for just £ 12m, it is an affordable option. Shaqiri was also linked to a move to rivals Liverpool's Premier League Liverpool.

  Xherdan Shaqiri (19659005) Xherdan Shaqiri (Switzerland) <span class= Getty Images

Paper Rounds: With only 12 million pounds sterling, Shaqiri has an attractive price for almost every club in Europe . He has experience in the Champions League and knows the ins and outs of the Premier League after so many years spent in Stoke City. It's not quite of the best quality, but it has flair and cunning, and for just £ 12m it would be a great way for teams to fill their team, even though it's a good thing. would not play every game.

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Wilshere Holds West Ham Talks

Jack Wilshere has begun talks while he is looking to find a new club after the expiry of his contract with his former club, Arsenal. Wilshere has met Manuel Pellegrini to discuss face-to-face his eventual role at West Ham, but that's not his only offer. Turkish club Fenerbahce has made a huge bid for England 's international midfielder, but the 26 – year – old man has not yet made up his mind.

  The last appearance of Jack Wilshere in England against Iceland in Euro 2016

The last English appearance of Jack Wilshere against Iceland in Euro 2016 PA Sport

Paper Round: English players are often criticized Not wanting to go abroad to try new cultures in terms of football and general lifestyle, but with the autocrat Recep Tayyip Erdogan still in power, it would be understandable that Wilshere decides that it would be less risky to stay in Brexit in Britain. Turkish clubs can offer huge salaries, so he may decide that a few years to fill his pension and play in the Champions League is worth the trouble.

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Barcelona ready to sell Mina

La Liga Champions Barcelona is ready to sell Colombian central defender Yerry Mina. Mina scored Colombia's equalizer against England in their World Cup match. However, Mina may already be leaving Barcelona despite her membership in January. Everton is thrilled to take the wheel of the 23-year-old 6-foot-5 by building a new team for Marco Silva.

  Yerry Mina of Colombia celebrates her first goal in the match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup ™ finals between Colombia and England at Spartak Stadium on July 3, 2018 in Moscow. Russia.

Yerry Mina of Colombia after scoring the first goal of his team in the match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup ™ finals between Colombia and England at Spartak Stadium on July 3, 2018 in Moscow, Russia Getty Images

Paper Rounds: Mina He played only a handful of matches in Barcelona, ​​so it's hard to judge his talent, and the Cup of World can offer players a chance to shine, but also a limited chance for the clubs to accurately judge the true talent of a player. Mina must have something special to have won a trip to Barcelona in the first place, but Everton could take a bet.

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Australian teenage city eye

Manchester City is monitoring a potential new signature of Australia. They refused the chance to bring back Aaron Mooy from Huddersfield, but drew attention to a current player from Melbourne City. Described as the next Harry Kewell, Daniel Arzani impressed in the Australian league. Juventus has already been linked to the player because of his abilities.

Paper Round & # 39; s view: Manchester City's network of clubs around the world helps them identify and develop the best young talents before bringing them to the Premier League when they are ready. If Juventus makes an offer, it could force Arzani to England ahead of any rough schedule they've outlined. The obvious problem, however, is that even at its best, Kewell would not have been good enough for this city.

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