Planning the construction of the city on Mars: Nasa expert


Rice highlights the importance of dreaming on the sidelines of the five-week space camp organized by Compass International in collaboration with UAE Space Agency

Dubai: the UAE's ambitious plan to build a city on Mars will undoubtedly go succeeding as the country is In 1965, the UAE launched their plans to establish the first human settlements on Mars by 2117. The plan is part of the UAE's diversification. plans that support the creation of a knowledge-based economy.

"It's really an ambitious plan, but it's important to have big dreams. I do not doubt it, "said Dr. Jim Rice, head of Mars Exploration Rover's geology team at NASA, on the sidelines of the inauguration of Space and Rocketry Academy Camp in Dubai .

humans will actually be able to live on Mars. He said that he had hoped earlier that the stage would occur during his lifetime. "Even if it does not happen exactly in the period we're talking about, it puts you on a good track and you learn a lot in the process, I always tell people, finally, we're going to live on Mars. But it's not going to be easy – great things are worth it. "

Astrologer with over 30 years of research experience in Moon and Mars exploration, Dr. Rice is in the UAE to share his experiences with about 150 young people to inspire and motivate They will pursue a career in the space sector in the future.

The five-week space camp follows the NASA curriculum and is organized Compass International, in collaboration with the United Arab Emirates Space Agency, allows young people ages 9 to 18 to design a mission on Mars, including the launch system, the public transit vehicle, and the United States. lander and robotic vehicles as well as u Martian base.Shaikha Al Maskari, director of innovation at the United Arab Emirates Space Agency, said the space camp is key to preparing the next generation of scientists, engineers and engineers. d & # 39; astronauts. here in the UAE.

"We have sent children to camps since we started, and we realized that some children do not have the opportunity to go abroad, so we decided, as part of UAE government that likes to do things for people, we will bring the camps to their doorstep, "said Al Maskari,

Lissy Donald of Compass International said that the space camp will eventually have simulations of it. space, with the necessary infrastructure. For the moment, participants will receive in-depth knowledge based on the actual experience of scientists on life and work in the space.

Hoping to work in the space sector when he will be big, emirati student Mohammad Al Hosani, 15, "

" My interest in space began when I was eight years old after watching a movie about two kids who opened a book that transported them in space. I would love to build rockets and find out more about space, "said the resident of Abu Dhabi

. Abriana Donald, 12, another participant, was one of the camp's early risers. The seventh student said: "The space is more fun and exciting.You can discover new things.I would like to become a veterinarian but I would also like to work in the space." [19659003] WHAT: Space Camp and Rocket
WHEN: July 15 to August 23
OERE: Lapita Hotel, Dubai Parks and Resorts

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