Pokemon Go players react to Celebi and go Fest


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<p>  Pokemon Go Fest is back for another IRL meetup of <em> Pokemon Go </em> players, and participants have a lot to say about this year's festival and what it was to find Celebi. </p>
<p>  Pokemon Specials were promised for <em> Pokemon Go </em> players who did the trip to Chicago for Go Fest Pokémon were there, and tricks were found throughout the day to guide players to the inevitable revelation, the legendary Pokemon Celebi began to appear to give players a chance To add a rare catch to their collection also appeared, so if you end up going to Pokemon Go Fest and you've bought a ticket, you'll go home with a little hindsight. </p>
<p>  Everyone n & rsquo; Was not happy with the way Celebi was released, but in the l 39 set <em> The Pokemon Go players </em> seem satisfied with the fa summer going, especially compared to last year. </p>
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Slide 1 of 4 Unown Point at Celebi

Unown, a discovery quite rare in itself given the variety that is there, began to appear at Pokemon Go Fest this year. After finding a few, the players began to notice that there was a motive, and as Unown usually does, they were trying to tell the players something.

With Unown in the form of letters beginning to be found, people guessed that the mysterious Pokémon were working to spell Celebi. This theory proved correct while others caught the mythical Pokémon and shared the evidence of their capture.

Slide 2 of 4 Catching Celebi

Just as players were waiting, the Pokemon Psychic / Grass Pokemon appeared at Pokemon Go Fest to reward those who attended. People who had the chance to fulfill the conditions necessary to catch the Pokémon could add it to their collection, and many who have sounded with proud images of their catches. Some apparently thought that the statistics might have been a little better, but at least they now have a Celebi.

It's more than many can say as well with many more players not even having the chance to catch a Celebi.

Slide 3 of 4 Not having the chance to catch Celebi

Although it is likely that Celebi will be released for those who are outside of Pokemon Go Fest but at a later date, many players did not care too much to the idea of ​​those who participated to have access to the Pokémon first. That they could not attend the Chicago Festival because of the logistics of the trip, previous obligations, or that they did not think it was worth it and that they were now angry to miss, the players said that they had no Celebi in their Pokedex. 19659029] Slide 4 out of 4 Pokémon Party Goes Well

Mythical Pokémon or the absence of it, there are not as many comments on Pokémon Go Fest itself. It's actually a positive situation in this situation because it means that the situation is far from being the same as last year with faulty challenges, connectivity issues and swarms of players discontented.

The few comments that circulate festival indicates that this year's festival has been a success so far, something that the proud owners of Celebi can probably attest to.

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