Popular GamerGate subreddit temporarily stopped by the creator


Controversial Subreddit / KotakuInAction was temporarily closed by its own creator late Thursday. Redditor david-me made the decision to say that the community "had become infested with racism and sexism"

In a long explanation published on r / Drama, David said that users were beginning to circumvent the minimalist rules of subreddit. "Fight with the way to control hate speech."

After GamerGate, communities sprang up on 8chan and Kiwi Farms, David explained. They thought that r / KotakuInAction had metamorphosed from a "monster" into a "virus". The creator of the subreddit said that he "really wanted to shut up the submarine" but he was finally scared to do so, fearing negative reactions from Suberdate supporters. "1965i002" KiA is one of the many cancerous tumors that have infiltrated Reddit. wrote. "Mods are good at what they do, but they moderate on a sub that should not exist."

But the controversy did not end with the closing of David me, and KiA either. After David closed the submarine for nearly an hour, a Reddit administrator reinstated the KotakuInAction / mod team and barred David. His actions are currently under investigation by Reddit, according to Motherboard. U / TheHat2, one of the former moderators of the subprogram, has published an article on "KotakuInAction" disagreeing with David-Me's story.

"It was not necessary to codify what was called" hate speech. "I really did have a problem with that in the beginning," wrote TheHat2. "We did not know that GamerGate was going to explode that much, and honestly, we thought it was going to jump in a few weeks, or a month, upstairs."

The subreddit of KotakuInAction was done Shortly after GamerGate started in 2014, and it has been a controversial centerpiece since then. More recently, the site is known for its antagonism to the press and left politics in games and beyond.

The Washington Post described GamerGate as an "Internet culture war" shared between "independent and critical game creators, many of whom are women," against "a colorful alliance of vitriolic defeatists." Over the years, GamerGate has targeted many women online, including freelance developer Zoe Quinn, former Nintendo employee Alison Rapp and feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian.

Last week, the developers of Guild Wars 2 fired their own writer, Jessica Price, for confronting a critic. This is a controversy that has rekindled the conversation about GamerGate and how women in games are more harassed by foreigners and penalizing the industry. "We are better than that," writes David-m in his message of explanation. "I should have been better than that, just look at the history of comments from the user story, hate is spread by very little, but very often."

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