Poss Possessed clown & # 39; seems to fend for himself at the museum in a shocking video


This is the moment when a "possessed" clown doll seems to move by itself as it is allegedly haunted by an infantile mind that does not like the toy to be moved.

A psychic claims that there is a little boy attached to the clown who does not like his toy to be moved – so he will often give it himself.

CCTV video surveillance images show the doll visibly pitching during a month-long paranormal investigation, which, according to the team, could have been the child who was putting the doll back in place.

The musical clown, known as Bob, is kept at the Haunted Antiques Paranormal Research Center in Hinckley, Leicester – considered the first museum of its kind in the UK.

Jason Wall, 46, a native of Sutton in Ashfield, Nottingham, was the clown's closest investigator when he moved out and had trouble explaining how it could have happened

: " We had a table with three dolls. "It was said that if you move the doll, she will return to the position that she wants."

"One of the people to be investigated l & # 39; Picked up and when she put it back in, she turned it 90 degrees to see if we could ask for an answer.

"In the middle of the table, we had a device that measures the temperature and environmental conditions and turns on when there is vibration.

"The lights went on a few times when we were waiting for answers to questions. I went back to the table to check that it was not our movement on the floor that had caused the ignition of the device.

"You can see me move up and down to see if there was a reaction from the camera but" But when I went back, the doll caught my eye and it was as if something had slightly twisted.

– If it had been because of my movement, then it would have fallen off as he was not on a position, he was just standing on his own feet.

"It was a definite movement and it stopped me in my tracks. But when I looked, it was as if it had been taken in motion.

& # 39; Then I rushed into the other room to tell others what I had just seen, which you can see in the video

& # 39; We all went to watch the CCTV coverage, but unfortunately, the back of my head obscured the movement I saw

"But by moving away, you can see a second movement , which I did not even know.It was completely by chance that we caught the second movement.

Despite the images showing the clown moving distinctly without anyone touching him, Jason remains open-minded on what the explanations might be.

Jason, who was with his HauntedLive group investigating the doll, said: It's a weird thing really, we can not really describe what it was That's why we exposed him to people.

"I am not a believer, but I am not a disbeliever." I tend to believe with my own eyes. I'm not someone who jumps to say that it's paranormal right now. It's not my belief.

"I can not say that it's paranormal because I can not prove anything like that. I would never say that something was paranormal without complete and complete proofs.

"Whenever we get something like this on a camera that someone says is a proof of paranormal activity, some people take it with a pinch of salt and others may have a game. For me it's just a justification "

Bought in a box of old antiques, the 40-year-old team member Sam Littlejohns says that the doll's music begins as often to play alone.

Sam, of Leicester, is part of a team of eight people who run the paranormal center and she claims that there is now so much activity that the members can not enter alone.

Sam said: "You will hear Bob's music playing and it's pretty annoying .Nobody will be there and you'll hear the chimes playing." a character. "

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