Prohibited substances sibutramine present in two slimming products sold online: HSA


SINGAPORE: The Li Da Weight Loss Capsule and Chapter Plus slimming products of Backslim contain the banned substance Sibutramine, announced the Health Sciences Authority in a statement Friday, July 20, after conducting tests.

Sibutramine has been banned in Singapore since 2010, as users may have an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, HSA said. By consuming it, it can also lead to breathing difficulties, palpitations, mood swings, hallucinations and hearing of voices.

"Both products were sold on various local online platforms". "Our preliminary investigations showed that a number of people had purchased the products online."

A person has complained of an increase in heart rate after consuming Chapter Plus online from the local company OUR COCOMO, HSA added.

Chapter Plus By Backslim has been falsely marketed as "100% safe", with "100% natural herbs" and "no side effects" after consumption, said HSA.

The authority reported two other products similar to the weight loss pill Li Da who were also found to be adulterated with sibutramine – Li Da DAIDAIHUA Weight Loss Capsule and Lida (Plus).

HSA advised the public to stop consuming Li Da Weight Loss Capsule and Chapter Plus By Backslim and to consult a doctor if they do not feel well.

The public should be wary of health products that claim to be safe and promise quick results, HSA said. They should not trust online reviews because they are usually not verified, he adds.

"Anyone can sell health products on these ecommerce platforms … They could be fakes or ingredients banned from your health," said HSA.

Vendors or Vendors found guilty of selling illegal health products may be imprisoned for up to three years and / or fined up to S $ 100,000.

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