Ramkarpal: Do not grant Jamal Yunos bail or he may run away again


According to the MP, the head of the Umno division has shown "total disregard for the rule of law" and therefore should not be deprived of bail.

Jamal is expected to be charged

KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh said today that Jamal Yunos, arrested in Indonesia, should not be released bail is charged.

In welcoming Jamal's deportation to Indonesia from Indonesia, Ramkarpal said: Jamal's event is being prosecuted for offenses allegedly committed by him in the past, it is hoped that the The accusation strongly opposes him being granted because it is quite obvious from his recent actions that he has shown a propensity to escape what must be avoided at all costs. "

The head of the Sungai Besar Umno Division is under investigation for at least six offenses." He disappeared from his service at the Ampang Puteri Specialty Hospital where he was looking for a treatment on May 25. The police launched a manhunt and later said that he was in Indonesia.

Jamal was arrested by Indonesian police

He arrived in court at about 4 pm and should be accused of escaping detention.

Ramkarpal said that by fleeing to Indonesia to avoid being arrested and lying by claiming to be in Malaysia, Jamal had "He stated in a statement that the granting of the bond was left to the discretion of the court and that he could choose to seize Jamal's passport as a conviction. condition if she were to give him a bond. However, Ramkarpal stressed that "the possibility that he escapes to avoid prosecution can not be ruled out".

He hoped that the court would take cognizance of this situation and refuse the bail of Jamal

Jamal was escorted by several police officers after arriving at Kuala Lumpur International Airport around 3:15 pm today

Jamal in front the court to be accused of escaping

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