Rescue of the Thai cave: the fight of "wild boars" to survive


In their first public remarks since they came out of their two-week ordeal last week, the boys recounted their side of an extraordinary story that captivated the world's imagination.

Dressed in matching team jerseys, boys and their coach The boys, all members of the Wild Boars junior football team, introduced themselves to the media, shared their nicknames and told the press that they were happy and relaxed in the face of media around the world after they left the Chiang Rai Hospital. audience what position they played in the team.

Sitting next to the boys were the Thai Navy SEALs who remained in the cave after their discovery, as well as members of the medical team who treated them after the rescue. At a carefully organized press conference, for which questions were shortlisted, the boys said that they realized that they were trapped, how they adapted to their environment and their eventual joy to be found ten days later

. more than 100 questions were sent by the media, although only a handful was selected. The 12 players and their coach had been closely monitored at Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital, near the border with Myanmar, since they had been rescued from the cave on July 10th.

Why go there?

Until Wednesday, the question of why the boys and their coach had decided to go to Tham Luang cave on June 23 was a subject of speculation. It was suggested that the boys had been engaged in an initiation rite, or had celebrated the birthday of a team member.

In fact, 25-year-old coach Ekapol Chantawong explained that the boys were just curious to look inward. none of them had ever visited it before. The coach, whose nickname is Ake, said it was not unusual for the group to participate in group activities after playing football on Saturday afternoons.

  Cave Rescue in Thailand: Complete Coverage

They explored the underground tunnels for about an hour, before deciding to turn around. But at that time, the cave was partially flooded and their exit was blocked. "Someone said we were lost?" said Ake, who reassured the group that help would come.

From his point of view, the realization that they were trapped. With the entrance flooded and no obvious way out, the group retreated further into the cave to find a place to rest for the night. "We advanced about 200 meters," said Ake. "There we found a little slope and there was a small source of water inside the cave." Ake knew that the water dripping from the roof of the cave would be purer than the dirty water from the ground. "I told them that it's best to be near a water source," Ake said.

"Before sleep, I told them," Let's say a prayer. "Then we said a prayer that night."

The team was not afraid, said Ake to the delighted public, explaining that he hoped that the water level would drop the next day, and that help would arrive

Waters rising

The waters did not did not calm down, though. Instead, Ake described the moment when he heard the sound of flowing water – and saw the levels rise rapidly. In response, he ordered the group to find higher ground. Concerned that they might soon be submerged, he ordered the boys to start digging and look for a potential exit.

Having eaten after the practice of football, the boys had no food during their ordeal. Instead, they filled up with water from the cave. "I tried not to think about food because it would make me hungry," said the youngest of the boys, Chanin "Titan" Wibrunrungrueang, 11 years old.

  Ciach Ekkapol Chantawong, left, pays tribute to Saman Kunan, the SEAL of the Thai Navy who died during the relocation attempt

The moment they were found

Adun Sam-On, the 14-year-old boy who became famous after answering the first diver in English to reach the group, spoke about his shock on the realization they had been discovered.

Adun, like other members of the group, was busy digging – looking for a possible way out – when some of the boys thought they heard the sound of people talking.

Coach Ake told the group to remain silent. He asked one of the boys to get closer to the ledge and to shine a flashlight on the water, but the boy was too scared, said Adun, who carried it. volunteer instead.

When British divers dug out the surface, Adun said that he was so shocked, all he could think of saying was "hello!"

"I thought it was really a miracle, I did not know how to answer," says Adun.

  The Wild Boars were smiling and relaxed when they arrived at the press conference. smiling and relaxed when they arrived at the press conference.

The boys described how they formed a connection with the Thai Navy SEALs who stayed with them in the cave while the rescuers worked out a plan to release them. Titan described how they played the ladies – and that one of the Navy SEALs sitting by their side at the press conference always won. "He was the king of the cave," Titan said

When the decision was made to extract the boys in the waters, coach Ake joked and the boys decided who should go on the first according to who lived the furthest. . Ake thought that the rescued children would come home directly and that those who came out first could spread the word, not realizing that the world media had descended into the cave.

  Parents of Duangpetch Promthep, one of the rescued boys

Lessons Learned

[19659002] When asked what lessons they learned from the incident, Ake said that he was going to live life more carefully.

Ardun said that although people can not predict the future, the experience had taught him about the consequences of the action carelessly.

Other boys said that they were still dreaming of becoming football players, some said that they now wanted to become Navy SEALs.

Many boys apologized to their parents for not telling them that they were going to the cave.

Now that the boys' ordeal is over, we are worried about their long-term psychological health. "We do not know what injuries the children carry in their hearts," said Tawatchai Thaikaew, an official with Thailand's Justice Ministry. He urged the media to respect the privacy of boys in the future, for the sake of their health, said Reuters.

Some of the boys are stateless and the process of granting them Thai citizenship is underway, the officials confirmed. 19659002] The largely cheerful mood of the press conference was tempered, however, when the boys and their coach discussed the loss of Saman Kunan, the former Thai Navy member who had died during the summer. Rescue effort. Coach Ake said that the team was shocked to learn of the death of Saman Kunan, called him a hero and said that he had sacrificed his life for theirs .

In remembrance of the naval diver, Ake said that boys would spend time as novice Buddhist monks – a practice considered an honor in Thailand.

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