Researchers discover link between vitamin D and cardiorespiratory fitness


Washington: Did you know? The levels of vitamin D in the blood are related to your ability to exercise.

It is well established that vitamin D is important for bone health, but it is increasingly evident that it plays a role in other parts of the body, including the heart and muscles, according to the findings of a study published in the European Journal of Preventive. Cardiology.

"Our study shows that higher levels of vitamin D are associated with better ability," said Dr. Amr Marawan of Virginia Commonwealth University in the United States. "We also learned from previous research that vitamin D has positive effects on the heart and bones, so make sure your vitamin D levels are normal to high, you can do it with a diet, supplement and a reasonable exposure to the sun. "

Cardiorespiratory fitness, a reliable substitute for fitness, is the ability of the heart and lungs to provide oxygen to the muscles during. The best measure is the maximum oxygen consumption during the period, called VO2 max. People in better shape are healthier and live longer.

This study aimed to determine whether people with high levels of vitamin D in the blood had improved their physical condition.

Dr. Marawan said, "The relationship between higher vitamin D levels and better capacity is valid for men and women, youth and middle-aged groups, ethnic groups, their body mass index or smoking status, and whether participants have hypertension or not. "

Dr. Marawan noted that it was an observational study and that it could not be concluded that vitamin D improved capacity.

But, he adds, "The association was strong, progressive, and consistent across groups, which suggests that there is a strong link and an extra push for adequate levels of vitamin D, which is particularly difficult. in cold and cloudy places where people are less numerous. " exposed to the sun.

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