Ringgit opens slightly weaker against the US dollar – Business News


KUALA LUMPUR: The ringgit fell slightly against the US dollar early today, as investors remain cautious despite the retracement of the greenback, according to retailers. 0450 vs. US dollar vs. 4.0410 / 0450 Thursday

A broker said the greenback was continuing to trace the uptrend with the euro becoming bearer as European data continues to print over the expectations, indicating a potential for upward movement The investor opinion was cautious regarding today's date for the United States to impose its first round of tariffs on $ 34 billion. Chinese import dollars, he said. The Asia-Pacific, Stephen Innes, said the Malaysian bond market seems to have finally been awoken from sleep with the well-endorsed 30-year-old Malaysian government securities (AMS).

"On the currency front, the offer to hedge The ratio on this issue in the long run is very encouraging, as this extended period is usually reserved for investors in real money.

" Maybe a will there be little confidence in local markets? But the task at hand was first to sail on the first American fare salvo, "he added.

Meanwhile, the local unit was trading lower against a basket of currencies, excluding the British pound.

at 2.9620 / 9660 vs. 2.9611 / 9645 and slipped against the yen at 3.6516 / 6553 vs. 3.6504 / 6547 Thursday

The ringgit was lower against the euro at 4.7251 / 7298 against 4.7223 / 7286 but rose against the British pound to 5.3415 / 3463 from 5.3527 / 3600 yesterday – Bernama

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