Salvadoran court orders president to respond to 1979 kidnapping
Associated Press
7:38 pm EDT, July 11, 2018
7:48 pm EDT, July 11, 2018
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) – The Salvadoran Supreme Court has ordered President Salvador Sanchez Ceren to present any information on the fate of a South African diplomat kidnapped and disappeared by leftist guerrillas in 1979. [19659005Thethen-ambassadorArchibaldGardnerDunnwaskidnappedbyaguerrillafactionthatbecameamemberoftheFarabundoMartiNationalLiberationFrontorFMLNTherebelsdemandedaransombutthediplomatwasneverreturnedandhisbodywasneverfound
Sanchez Ceren is a former leader of the FMLN, who dissolved and became a political party after the 1992 peace accords.
Lorenzana said Wednesday that the "court order" has a political motive to harm the president's image. "
He said that Sanchez Ceren was still an activist in the movement of teachers at the time of the abduction