Scientists have advanced a bold assumption about the Omwamwi asteroid


Ченые выдвинули смелую гипотезу об астероиде Оумуамуа The cigar-shaped asteroid could be a scout for the aliens.

Harvard astronomers do not rule out such a fantastic option that would have allowed the asteroid Omwamwi to be a device for aliens to search for life elsewhere in the Universe.

Experts have come to this conclusion so strange when the speed of the object and the path changes constantly. Natural body just not capable of that. Seen in October 2017, Omwamwi was supposed to be this year at one point, but scientists did not surprise him, as the asteroid changed his course of motion.

Given the strange movement, as well as the shape of a cigar, scientists thought that the body was a kind of solar veil. The acceleration of the object may have been related to sun exposure. Previously, experts accused of accelerating the throttle, but when the body revolved around its axis.

Solar Sailer can focus sunlight and accumulated energy to move a vehicle in space. It's exactly like the principle of using regular sails on the boat, which moves the vehicle.

Scientist Abraham Loeb noted that Omwamwi was perhaps the usual space debris and the high-tech controlled probe sent to our solar system, representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. Another option – astroide is the alien spacecraft, which has suffered a collapse of space.

Scientific American has already published Loeb's findings regarding the asteroid Omwamwi. The scientist advocated the use of space archeology in science to find artifacts left by other civilizations.

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