Scientists have created a network of neurons capable of managing trolling


<img class = "aligncenter" src = "" alt = "Scientists from Cornell University have created a neural network that distinguishes courteous correspondence in the hidden trolling network

19659004] This was reported on the University website.

This development should help moderators of discussion forums and forums to counteract the actions of attackers and trolls.

The researchers analyzed 1270 conversations that started off politely and ended reciprocal user attacks against each other. the same subject

"Millions of such conversations occur every day, and their follow-up can be very difficult. Our neural network will help moderators to pay attention to the real aggressors ", – write the creators of the neural network.

Scientists have also shown that the algorithm recognizes the abuse in 65% of cases, the Man is 72%.

"People feel intuitively, when the conversation goes in the wrong direction, but guessing in 100% of cases does not work. We want to improve, to become a better human intuition ", say the developers.

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