Scientists have identified a new dangerous virus


Ученые выявили новый опасный вирус

The properties of the new disease have not been studied.

Scientists there was an outbreak of an unknown disease called the Disease X, which in a short time can develop into a global epidemic, reports the with reference to the world news.

The virus is dangerous to the Spanish flu, which killed 5% of the population of the globe. Some time ago, the researchers have reported that the task is very difficult.

In the process of learning several new diseases at-bats found two unknown science of the virus. Microorganisms scientists have been assigned to the family of coronaviruses. These viruses have already caused several outbreaks on Earth. For example, in 2003, eight thousand people got sick with acute respiratory syndrome, and in 2012, people overcame middle East respiratory syndrome.

According to expert Mark Valiatti now scientists from trying to detect the pandemic virus. It is expected that the pandemic will originate in Asia or Africa, where medical care is still at a primitive level.

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