Scientists have warned about the possible distance of the moon


Ученые предупредили о возможном отдалении Луны Such movement of the satellite may cause disasters on Earth.

The moon came down from usual orbit, resulting in gradually moving away from our planet. Because of the shift that happened in the last month because of a collision with an asteroid, and now there have been some disasters. The future of humanity is questionable.

Known natural satellite has a huge impact on the flow of physical processes on Earth. The distance of the moon will be the collapse of our planet: the oceans gradually move to the poles, so that many countries will be flooded.

Without the moon the Earth will take the position of Uranium (“lie down” side), which will be replaced at night every six months. There will also be a sharp change in the temperature of the equator is completely burnt out, and the North and South will become more frosty. In such conditions people will not be able to survive, the human era will end.

It is worth noting that officially, scientists have not yet acknowledged the deviation of the moon. All statements are only preliminary.

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