Scientists turn wastewater into fuel


Ученые превращают сточные воды в топливо

Scientists experimenting in a laboratory.

Waste water from the eternal source of the problem can turn into a source of environmentally friendly fuel. Spanish researchers found that phototrophic purple bacteria can convert hydrogen into products of human activity from the sewer.

Scientists from the Spanish University of Rey Juan Carlos believe that civilization literally merges into huge amounts of energy, says Popular Mechanic. Their study shows that phototrophic purple bacteria capable of removing nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon from any organic waste. That is, the waste water is an inexhaustible source of energy, bioplastics, and even additives for animal feed, says the ZME Science.

Phototrophic purple bacteria are capable of photosynthesis, like plants. The difference is that instead of visible sunlight they use infrared radiation. In his presence of bacteria and organic compounds in the atmosphere of nitrogen and nitrogen, releasing electrons.

A byproduct of this metabolic reaction is hydrogen gas, which can be used as fuel. "In the metabolism of purple bacteria has problems with excess electrons. One of the ways to remove excess electrons – fixation of CO2 during photosynthesis as do plants. The second method is the release of electrons as hydrogen gas. The electric current allows us to take these processes under control and to manipulate them, "said Puyol.

The study shows that the blend of nutrients for maximum production of hydrogen also minimizes the production of CO2.

Therefore, a valuable biofuel can be obtained from substances, which are abundant in waste water: malic acid and sodium glutamate. And the production process for carbon footprint: during the experiments, the negative polarization of the carbon dioxide cause.

In addition, with the help of the effective current of purple bacteria, they have been able to produce hydrogen from the waste of human life. The process is very strongly inhibited in the presence of ammonium, which is derived from proteins in the wastewater. Therefore, before proceeding to the production of hydrogen, you need to ensure that the composition is purified from ammonium.

While scientists experiment in a laboratory. But soon I hope to test the technology to make sure that it works on such a scale.

In theory, even a small company for wastewater treatment can provide clean energy from 43 to 107 homes.

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