Seth Meyers on CNN suing Trump: ‘He’s been served more than the Big Mac’ | Culture


Late-night hosts expressed surprise over Melania Trump’s attempt to get a White House aide fired and discussed CNN’s decision to sue Donald Trump.

Seth Meyers

On Late Night with Seth Meyers, the host spoke about Melania Trump’s unusual decision to release a statement detailing her desire to see deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel fired after reports of a feud between the pair.

“Wait, she can do that?” Meyers said. “All that time we’ve been waiting for Robert Mueller to get rid of Trump and we should have been talking to her.”

Meyers also discussed the news that CNN is suing the president over his dismissal of their reporter Jim Acosta.

“Really? You want to go after Trump with a lawsuit,” he said. “That guy lives for lawsuits. He’s been served more than the Big Mac. Trying to sue him is like trying to drown a fish. If you really want to go after him then stop inviting liars onto your network to tell everybody how great he is.”

Stephen Colbert

On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert referred to Melania Trump becoming the one doing the firing as “a refreshing change of pace” given the last two years.

He then referenced reports that Melania Trump has been angered by the chief of staff, John Kelly, after he failed to promote certain aides. Donald Trump reportedly urged him to do as he told, saying: “I don’t need this shit,” to which Colbert joked: “That’s kind of sweet. He quoted his wedding vows.”

Trump also continued his feud with French president Emmanuel Macron, suggesting that the US should increase tariffs on wine from France.

“Aren’t you losing support with suburban white women?” Colbert said. “Maybe now’s not the time to come after wine. What’s next? Banning book club and Nancy Meyers movies?”

Trevor Noah

The Daily Show

TONIGHT: What do you get the city that has everything? This:

November 14, 2018

On The Daily Show, Trevor Noah discussed Amazon, “one of the internet’s most popular non-pornographic websites”.

The company announced plans to build new hubs in established cities, a decision that’s caused anger. “Finally something that’s going to put New York and DC on the map,” he said.

Noah continued: “Seeing New York and DC land a new office complex is sort of like watching Bill Gates win the lottery. It’s like, congrats, I guess?”

Jimmy Kimmel

On Jimmy Kimmel Live! the host spoke about Trump’s desire to fire the homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, who was involved in helping him put children into cages near the border. “I guess in the end she wasn’t quite evil enough, and now Thanos will take charge,” he joked.

Rumours persist that Trump also wants to fire Kelly.

“He’s too chicken to fire people face to face and John Kelly is the guy who does it for him, so now Trump has to figure out a way to get John Kelly to fire himself,” he joked.

Kimmel also brought up Melania Trump’s wish to see Ricardel fired. “Be best is now be gone,” he joked.

He continued: “According to the story, Ricardel wanted Melania to sit in the middle section of the plane and Melania wanted to jump out of it.”

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