Seven dead as Japan's record rains massive evacuations


The number of victims of torrential rains in Japan rose to seven, with more than 1.6 million people being ordered to evacuate on Saturday, with heavy rains continuing to strike. vast areas in the west of the country

. Sudden floods in Hiroshima, Okayama, Kyoto and other regions, preventing dozens of people from being saved.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered his ministers to "make a general effort" to save the victims, saying: "

Local authorities said that at least seven people had been killed in rain-related accidents, while the public broadcaster NHK stated that the death toll had risen to 21, with 47 more reported missing

. According to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, 1,614,000 people were evacuated, mainly in western Japan.

In Hiroshima, the body of a man of about sixty years old was found near a bridge on Saturday morning, a man was killed when a landslide occurred. land hit his house, said a local official.

A 52-year-old woman in Kyoto was found dead Friday near a river, while in the nearby Hyogo Prefecture

TV footage showed that a wooden bridge had been taken to Hiroshima by a muddy and swollen river.

Rescuers dug into the ground while landslides crushed houses in the same area. people were evacuated to their rooftops as floods submerged entire residential areas in the Okayama region.

Some areas were affected by more than one meter of rain, according to the government, while approximately 48,000 soldiers, police and firefighters were deployed. Yoshihide Suga, Secretary General of the Cabinet, said that the Japanese Meteorological Agency had updated its warning system at the highest level, only when the amount of rain should be

Minako Sakurai, a responsible from the agency, told reporters that heavy rains should continue until Sunday in the West and East of Japan

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