Should SSP members endorse corruption, racism in Sg Kandis?


SG KANDIS PROBES | Amanah's youth leader, Mohd Sany Hamzan, urged PAS supporters to accept the call of their leaders for them to vote for Umno in the Sungai by-election Kandis with a pinch of salt

. Umno's record on issues of corruption and racism

"Umno is the party whose leaders were involved in corruption and money laundering, giving birth to the 1MDB scandal that makes the # 39, subject of a global survey ringgit lost every year as stated in the report of the Auditor General as a result of embezzlement by various ministries and agencies when Umno-BN controlled Putrajaya.

"Voting for Umno would also be conspiring in the manipulation of narrow racial and religious sentiments Sany said in a statement.

On Wednesday, Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz, a member of the PAS Central Committee, said on Facebook his party wants PAS members to vote for Umno in the Sungai Kandis by-election .

Sany says PAS members should not mimic Nik Abduh's short-sighted approach in supporting Umno. "1965A002" Therefore, Amanah Youth urges Sungai Kandis voters, especially PAS supporters, to vote for the Selangor government. It will be strengthened by the victory of Pakatan Harapan, "he said.

The August 4th by-election will be a three-way fight between Lokman, PKR's Zawawi Ahmad Mughni and independent candidate K Murthy. The May 9 general election saw PAS win Sungai Kandis with a majority of 12,480 votes, and his candidate Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei garnered 23,998 votes

Kamaruzzaman Johari of Umno won 11,518 votes. while NOT 'Mohd Yusof Abdullah collected 7,573 votes. PRM Hanafiah Husin received 76 votes

Mat Shuhaimi died of cancer on July 2nd.

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