Wed., July 25, 2018 – 20:07
The Securities Investors Association (Singapore) or Sias suffered a security breach in 2013, which compromised and disclosed the data of some 70,000 members.
70,000 members were illegally consulted and copied in 2013, "said Sias general manager Richard Dyason in an email to Sias members, adding that this had not been brought to light. Sias attention that Wednesday.
numbers and phone numbers.
"Nevertheless, the documents have not been tampered with, that is to say that no documents are available. has been modified or deleted, "he added.
" As this is not acceptable, Sias will take all necessary measures to protect the data. While we investigate the violation, we take active steps to prevent further illegal access. "
Sias will launch a new website in" a few days ", and in the meantime, he has taken out his existing website limiting any potential threat, he added
The association s" is excused for the disruption of the service and for any distress caused by the violation.
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