Special birth dates for 6 members of this Singaporean family, Singapore News


Anniversaries are special, but for Lokes, it's especially hard to forget the six family members who boast of having special birthdays with repeated numbers.

Mr. Shamen Loke, 40, was born on January 1st (01/01). His wife, 39-year-old Ms. Yau Mei Siong, was born on 9 September (09/09).

The eldest son Lucius, seven years old, energetic and bubbly, was born on June 6 (06/06). Andrius, four, is the most adventurous in the group and has learned to ride two wheels at the age of two. He was born on January 1st (01/01). Speaking and jovial, Justinius, two years old, was born on April 4th (04/04). And just a month ago, Kaius, the baby of the family, was born on October 10 (10/10).

The four boys were delivered naturally – their birth was not brought about on those particular dates, the parents told the Sunday Times.

"It's really a blessing – each of them is a boon," said Loke, who chose their names.

Lucius, Andrius, Justinius and Kaius mean respectively light, courage, justice and joy in Latin, he added.

However, the perfect balance sheet has hardly been reached for the couple, who are both civil servants.

Baby Kaius was expected on October 13, Loke said. "We had not planned our fourth child and when we learned of his arrival, we did not expect the date to be October 10th.

"We thought it would be a bonus if it happened, the most important thing was that the baby and the mother are in good health."

Coincidence is "better than winning the lottery," joked Yau, who began to contract three days before the birth of her fourth child.

"I was not very sure about making the date.As the date approached, the people around us were crossing our fingers."

Not that the couple buys lottery tickets with these numbers. But Mr. Loke's father has won a few times with the combination "1199" – the double "1" for the date of birth of Mr. Loke and "9" for that of his wife.

"After our firstborn, parents and friends would anticipate the birth dates of future pregnancies," said Ms. Yau, whose two oldest sons know their unique birth dates. When she was pregnant with her fourth son, the two boys were telling their little brother in her womb "to go out October 10". It happened almost every night, she said.

But there are no secret formulas, added Ms. Yau, who believes that her boys have "chosen" these dates of birth. "We hope it will be a story that they will be able to tell their children and grandchildren in the future."

His gynecologist Ben Neo of the Ben Neo Women's Clinic, which gave birth to the four sons, said he had seen nothing like the Lokes.

"It's unique that all six family members have such birth dates," said Dr. Neo.

But Mr. Loke does not intend to expand the family's collection of special birth dates with more children.

"There are times when I think: what would my daughter look like if I had one? and & # 39; How would I be different as a father if I had a girl? & # 39; "He said." I wish to have more children, but in reality, this is not practical given our age, our finances and the time we have for all our children. "

Mr. Loke met his wife while they were students at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

During their court, they were already talking about their unique birth dates. The couple is married in 2006.

The license plate of the Toyota Estima white Lokes – as well as their previous two cars – carries the inscription "1199". The family lives in an executive house of the Housing Board in Toa Payoh. "We did not go out together and we were not married because of our birth dates," Ms. Yau said. "We met at NUS and we got along well."

Nobody would have guessed then that his family's birthdays would become a topic of conversation.

Even completing registration forms in clinics and preschools would draw people's attention to their birth dates, she said. "When I answer that all my children came to this world naturally, they were impressed or amazed."

Ms. Yau, whose brother was born on October 10 (10/10), also joked Madam.

"People close to us think that we are special and that we have been very lucky to have these birth dates."

Mr. Loke also admitted that it was not possible to forget the birthdays of his children or his wife. He considers his family as "his greatest achievement".

"As I come home and see my family, I feel lucky and happy," he added.

"People often ask me if I buy 4D, but I tell them no, I already have the best price at home."

When she was pregnant with her fourth son, the two boys were telling their little brother in her womb "to go out October 10".

This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.

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