Speedrunner completes the top five Fallout games in less than 90 minutes


A casual game of a game Fallout can take dozens, if not hundreds, of hours wandering across vast, uncultivated lands. This new speedrun completes the entire series in less than an hour and a half

The "Any% Main Series", performed by speedrunner tomatoanus, completes the five main titles of the series Fallout ] Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 4 . Using a combination of glitches and intelligent pathfinding, tomatoanus completes the race in 1 hour, 29 minutes and 17 seconds. Some games fall more easily than others. In Fallout 2 and 3 it only takes 15 minutes to reach the end. Fallout takes about five minutes

The Structure of the Games Fallout Makes It easy to travel to end-of-game locations from the beginning, as long as you know where you are going. The descent of Tomatoanus Fallout lasts just over five minutes, since it can reach directly the Mariposa military base where the super-villains of the game are hiding. From there, he quickly arms a bomb and escapes from the base to complete the match.

In other games, he uses glitches to move faster. The Fallout 3 and New Vegas use a strange trick where a runner cripples his character's legs to move faster. By saving and charging as they damage their legs, runners can manipulate the game by stacking what would have been a 60% reduction in movement speed with their actual movement speed. The resulting error allows the tomatoanus to move to 160% instead. By combining this with a backup and load trick that allows it to step out of bounds, Tomatoanus mixes both fast motion and ethereal running to reach the finish line.

The longest running game is Fallout 4 a game that I've already spent 11 hours streaming without being close to completion. Tomatoanus finishes in 42 minutes and 54 seconds, which is proof that if the war never changes, you can at least press the fast forward button.

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