Stop brushing your pets' teeth with toothpaste, RSPCA tells dog owners


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The RSPCA said the presence of fluoride in high-street toothpaste brands, along with the occasional use of the artificial sweetener xylitol, could prove to be toxic if swallowed.

It came as a survey of about 2,000 people who reported their halting to their teeth with a human toothbrush and a toothpaste.

Small doses of fluoride can give dogs diarrhoea and induce vomiting as it reduces the calcium in the blood and increases potassium levels, Dr. Nicola Robinson, head of the Veterinary Poisons Information Service, said.

The presence of xylitol in certain types of toothpaste could prove even more serious – potentially leading to death if left untreated.

Caroline Allen, London veterinary director at the RSPCA, said: "It is not only possible to tolerate the foaming and the miny flavor of human toothpaste but there is also a risk to their health from swallowing human toothpaste.

"While there is a potential risk to the farther swallowing of fluoride … the inclusion of the artificial sweetener xylitol in toothpastes is a more important issue. "

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