Surgeons use gene testing for patients with breast cancer


TUESDAY, July 3, 2018 (HealthDay News) – When it comes to genetic testing for breast cancer patients, their surgeons exert a big influence on that decision, new research shows.

Genetic testing can provide important information Previous research shows that only about half of the women who could benefit from these tests benefited from these tests

. This new study has shown that surgeons have a significant influence on genetic testing in patients with breast cancer.

included 3,910 women with early-stage breast cancer and the 370 surgeons who treated them. Twenty-seven percent of patients have undergone genetic testing, of which 52 percent have a higher risk of genetic mutation.

Genetic testing is recommended for breast cancer patients with a high risk of genetic mutation depending on age and family history of cancer or the characteristics of their cancer.

Several factors played a role in the variability of genetic testing, the study found. A high risk of genetic mutation accounted for 20% of this variability, but a woman's surgeon accounted for 17%.

Among women who met recommended guidelines for genetic testing, rates ranged from 26% to 72% depending on the surgeon. According to the researchers, surgeons who saw more breast cancer patients were more likely to recommend tests.

Surgeons were very different about the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing. according to the authors of the study.

"The rise of genetic testing in cancer treatment is a major challenge for surgeons," said Dr. Steven Katz, lead author. He is a professor of general medicine and health management at the University of Michigan.

"There is a lack of consensus on the guidelines and the approach of the tests, and a legitimate uncertainty as to their value in treating the treatment. "Genetic testing can help inform decisions about breast cancer treatment and the prevention of future cancers in patients and their families. The information was published in the journal JAMA Surgery .

More Info

The National Cancer Institute of the United States More on Treatment of Breast Cancer

SOURCE: University of Michigan, News Release, July 3, 2018

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