Suspects in the Novichok case left the UK after the attack, according to a source


The couple left the UK as a result of the attack on what is supposed to be a commercial flight, the source added.

Their departure was revealed in a Russian message encoded in Moscow sent after the attack, which was intercepted by a British base in Cyprus, the source said. British government blames Skrips poisoning on Russia

The suspects were identified by British police, who spent several months filming surveillance cameras at British airports and Salisbury, where Skripals been poisoned on March 4th.

Using facial recognition technology, authorities discovered two "fresh identities" – individuals not known to have been spies or used in other attacks –

Investigators have cross-checked this information with the manifest of the flight on which the suspects left Britain. They traveled on aliases, depending on the source.

An Aeroflot flight at Heathrow Airport in London was searched on March 30, an action that the British government then described as "routine".

  The former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia Skripal, in a restaurant in Salisbury, United Kingdom

The Russian ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Yakovenko claims at an event of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow on Thursday. "These are media reports," he told reporters. "Unfortunately, we have no official statements from the British, I want to hear Scotland Yard or the Foreign Office, there are many versions in the newspapers that are not supported by Foreign Office statements, "He said.

The British Foreign Office declined to comment, directing CNN to the police. The London Metropolitan Police, which conducts the investigation of the Skripals, declined to comment.

The UK Press Association Press Association also reported Thursday that the police had identified suspects in the case.

The attack against the Skripals led to a diplomatic dispute with Russia. The United Kingdom has expelled 23 Russian diplomats and more than 20 other countries, including the United States, have done the same.

Russia has repeatedly denied its participation in the attack and has advanced multiple theories.

  United Kingdom asks Russia to rule on cases of poisoning in Novichok
Skripals were found unconscious on a bench in the town of Salisbury on March 4th. treated for exposure to Novichok, a military grade neurotoxic agent of the Soviet era, and released separately from the hospital several weeks later. Police believe that they have been in touch with the substance by the handle of Sergei Skripal's house
Tensions worsened at the beginning of the month when two Britons from Amesbury, a town located eight miles away north of Salisbury, became ill. neurotoxic agent. Dawn Sturgess, 44, died later, while her partner Charlie Rowley, 45, stays in the hospital.
Although the police stated that there was no suggestion that the couple had been deliberately targeted, an investigation was opened. Last week, police announced they identified a small bottle found in Rowley's home as the source of the nerve agent that killed her partner

It's unclear where Rowley found the bottle, or s & rsquo; It is the same batch of nerve agent. who poisoned the Skripals.

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