The three co-founders of AllizHealth will continue with Vivant, Chinmoy Mishra as Director of Business Development, Dr. Rasmi Mishra as Chief of Product Innovation and Gaurav Vij as Director of technology.
The company said the acquisition will help accelerate Vivant's expansion into the Indian market, providing a robust technology architecture with an operational team of nearly 40 people and nearly 750,000 end customers.
Anupa Naik, CEO of Vivant, said, "This acquisition brings with it an exceptional team and technological capabilities that will strengthen our ability to help customers engage meaningfully and productively in their health. This is an important investment for us and reaffirms our commitment to the Indian market. "
The combined platform will provide a comprehensive digital health offering with more than 6,500 partners with forces across the healthcare continuum to enable individuals to engage in their health to stay healthy, stay healthy or manage diseases. It will also offer solutions focusing on maternal health, menstrual health, diabetes, orthopedics, cardiovascular diseases, infant nutrition and elder care. Clients will have access to the Vivant Advisory Board, which includes internationally and nationally recognized experts in key areas that impact individual and community well-being.
"We are excited to partner with the Vivant team and look forward to bringing our services to large scale customers." Vivant's strong domain expertise and leadership team were a natural asset for AIH and we look at our common future with a lot of optimism, "said Chinmoy Mishra, co-founder of the AIH.
Allizhealth is a consumer-driven platform for early identification, tracking and management of health risks and platform conditions allows users to store / access / share information about health.
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