Dementia is the name given to a group of symptoms related to a continuing decline in brain function.
About 850,000 people in the UK have dementia and Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia.
According to Stanford Health Care, the risk of dementia is reduced by ensuring that you sleep enough every night.
Everyone should sleep at least six hours each night or be at risk of dementia
. the state of the brain by consolidating the memories, and get rid of the proteins that cause dementia, known as amyloid.
"Research has revealed a number of factors that can prevent or delay the onset of dementia in some people.
" More than six hours of sleep can reduce the amount of amyloid load in the brain , which is present in Alzheimer's disease
"Sleep helps to consolidate memories, social interaction and intellectual stimulation."
Increasing social interaction and intellectual stimulation can to stimulate the mind and slow cognitive decline. "
Research is still ongoing to confirm the link between sleep and dementia, she says
. also help patients with chronic pain.
Severe sleep loss has been associated with a lower threshold for pain, according to the report.
] Sleep is also crucial for the elderly
Sleep loss may increase the risk of weight gain.
Dementia affects each patient differently, says the NHS
The more a person has dementia, the more symptoms can worsen
There is currently no cure for dementia, but an early diagnosis.
Talk to a general practitioner if you are worried about the signs and symptoms of dementia.
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