The 9th edition of the SEES Summit was successful in Paris, strengthening the Sino-European economic relationship, Business News


BEIJING July 5, 2018 / PRNewswire / –

The ninth edition of the Sino-Europe Entrepreneur Summit (known as SEES), an event affiliated with the Sino International Entrepreneur Federation (known as the name SIEF) was held at the prestigious conference room Maison de la Mutualité in Paris last month

SIEF is a leading international business platform bringing together global business elites, diplomatic dignitaries, politicians, leaders of China Europe Oceania and Africa . This edition of SEES was co-chaired by Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin former Prime Minister of France President of the Prospect and Innovation Foundation, and Mr. Long Yongtu, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China and former Secretary General of the Forum Bo # ao. SEES has brought together over 400 Chinese and European leaders, including diplomats, entrepreneurs, think tanks and academic researchers to conduct in-depth discussions on topics such as the Belt and Road Initiative, Innovation and financial cooperation between China and the EU. – Non-tripartite cooperation between the EU and the construction of a large market Asia Europe . During the conference, a series of thematic round tables, roadshows of high quality projects and individual interviews were organized.

Chinese Ambassador to France Mr. Zhai Jun gave a speech at the opening ceremony, mentioning the prospects of China-EU affairs in the midst of a new era of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics. China opens up, offering broader perspectives of practical cooperation between China and the EU in areas such as nuclear energy, aviation, aviation and Artificial intelligence and digital network technology. Mr. Zhai pointed out that the current unilateralism, egoism, volatility and protectionism become major challenges. In response to this emerging global challenge, China launched the "Belt and Road" initiative, as a means to promote multilateralism, to strengthen trade collaboration with the belt and belt markets. road, and better people exchanges. It is estimated that in the last five years the total volume of trade between China and the riparian countries has exceeded 4 trillion USD and cumulative investment has exceeded ] 60 billion USD due to factors including but limited to the increase of direct flights, 75 areas of economic and commercial cooperation abroad, more than 200,000 jobs created for the local population. The United Kingdom, Germany and several other European countries have also expressed a keen interest in joining this initiative.

Jin Keyu, Associate Professor of Economics London School of Economics Board Member, Richemont Group, Lord Jim O'Neill President of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, current President of Chatham House, Jean-Hervé Lorenzi President of Cercle Des Economiste, Vice President of UBS Holding France, shared their views on the macroeconomic outlook and global politics and discussed the implications of globalization. as communication and collaboration of Chinese and European enterprises

" The Belt and Road Initiative of China has the ability to promote world peace, stability and to provide opportunities to countries along the road that Europe and China establish mutual trust and support innovation and financial cooperation between Chinese and European entrepreneurs to promote the Bilateral economy evel, "said Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin . He also said that today 's world urgently needed the shared strength of China and Europe to allow more stability, and that the China played an important role. ] The stability of Europe .

Long Yongtu said that the summit reflects China's foreign investment growth . Despite some weakness, China's economy is still one of the largest in the world with a large margin of growth. He hopes that by reaching out to European entrepreneurs, Chinese companies will not only help to improve the economy in 19459003, but also bring prosperity to local people and shape the vision of a community. shared community based on inclusion, collaboration and sustainability.

"European companies are increasingly turning to East facing the United States" The protectionism and continuity of China . China and the EU are important members of the WTO and have been strategic partners for many years.We must unite and strongly oppose trade protectionism, s & # 39; Commit to maintaining an open economy, a fair multilateral trading order and a positive momentum in the global economy We welcome economic relations rooted in fairness, reciprocity and faithful adherence to the rules I am convinced that 39 by making sincere joint efforts, China ] and the EU can save the global trading system from being hijacked by protectionist forces, "said Long Yongtu. He added that "the belt and road initiative" contributes to the deepening of Sino-European economic and trade development, by linking national policies, deepening pragmatic cooperation and achieving goals. common and prosperity. The economy of China is facing the challenge of structural transformation and modernization and can collaborate with the EU in the consumer and industry sectors to achieve to a win-win.

The SEES summit of Paris was concluded with a total investment of 1.3 billion euros of which one [19459104] a fund of M & A A led by ] China Structural Reform Fund a permanent summit site of the EU in Ireland of a value of 100 mn led by Xin Chang Investment Holdings, the company China-Switzerland Innovation and Cooperation Industrial Park to the value of the contract of 100 mn euro to Switzerland by Shaanxi JuGuang Group Co., Ltd., and a new energy project 150mn euro co-invested by Groupe Handi and the Bouygues Group.

"The EU is undergoing unprecedented changes and I think China can support the construction and reform of the EU," said Mr. Gianfranco Terenzi President of World SME Alliance. He added that with the deepening of the China-EU strategic partnership, the Belt and Road initiative would bring considerable value to the construction of a cross-border economic and trade platform characterized by the Opening, open economic cooperation and a stronger geopolitical balance. Taking advantage of the belt and road infrastructure, China hopes to strengthen the role of small and medium-sized enterprises across Europe Asia and Middle -Orient He also thinks that the Renminbi will become more international, while EU companies face financial challenges. Thus, the alliance can help SMEs connect and contribute to the global economy and democracy.


Media Contact:

Helena Ma
Public Affairs Officer
[email protected]
Telephone: +65 6872 2188

About SIEF :

Founded in 2008 by Mr. Long Yong Tu The Sino-Europe Entrepreneur Federation (known as SIEF), is a global, non-profit, non-partisan Headquartered in Beijing engaged in building extraordinary partnerships between Chinese business leaders and their counterparts around the world. . EFSI constituents represent the most influential and relevant decision makers in business, government and other sectors of society – from presidents and CEOs of the world's leading companies to heads of government. SIEF builds and serves powerful communities that unite leaders of China Europe Australasia and Africa such as the Board of Governors, the Board of Directors, the Council Advisory Board and Members. Our role is to facilitate practical discussions and catalyze high impact actions among these leaders by providing the entire integrated platform consisting of annual summits, industry committees and a wide range of projects. other programs in progress. SIEF recognizes that Chinese business leaders and their international counterparts can together shape the future in a meaningful and positive way. (

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