The appointment of Malanjum honors MA63, says Sabah DCM


Sabah leaders congratulate Richard Malanjum, the first East Malay to be appointed chief justice of the country.

Deputy Minister Wilfred Madius Tangau says that the appointment of Richard Malanjum to the position of Chief Justice recognizes Sabah as an equal partner in the federation. from Malaysia. (Photo by Bernama)

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Wilfred Madius Tangau today welcomed the appointment of Richard Malanjum as the new Chief Justice of Malaysia, partially qualifying the Malaysian 1963 Agreement (MA63). According to a statement, the acting president of the United Nations Pasok Momokun Murut Kadazandusun (Upko) said that Sabahans felt really regarded as Malaysian

He said that the nomination proved that under the new government, Sabah was recognized as an equal partner. the Malaysian Federation, based on MA63.

He added that the appointment was part of the Borneonization process.

Malanjum became the first East Malay to be the Federal Chief Justice after being appointed to the post by the Yang. Pertuan Agong last night

"The appointment of Richard Malanjum is well deserved and we are extremely proud of him and will be well served in his new role thanks to his years of experience in the legal and judicial fraternity.

"Throughout his career he has been recognized and respected for his commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the law." He added that Malanjum's acceptance of this new appointment and this Responsibility demonstrated its commitment to serving the public and the justice system, which in turn would respond directly to the constitutional promise of justice for all. [19659004] Deputy Deputy Minister Christina Liew also welcomed the appointment of Malanjum, stating that 39, he was the man of the situation.

"He is qualified and known to have initiated many programs for the judicial system in Sabah and Sarawak. These include a traveling court in Sabah, helping (indigenous) residents who live far from the city, issuing birth certificates, MyKads and documents, and commencing a videoconference hearing between the Sandakan-Tawau High Court and Kota Kinabalu. 19659004] "Malanjum is ingenious in his approach to the treatment of cases, on behalf of Sabah PKR, we congratulate him on his appointment," she said.

The Legal Fraternity salutes the rise of Malanjum to Chief Justice

It's just a fairy tale, says Malanjum on CJ Rumor.) {
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