The Department of Health confirms that Eldershield has "benefited more than 15,000" out of 1.3 million insured


The Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed today that the health insurance scheme has "benefited more than 15,000 insured persons". Interestingly, a total of 1.3 million Eldershield insureds were registered at the end of last year.

According to the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), 13.3% of the resident population of 3.9 million includes the number of people with disabilities in Singapore, more than 50 years old. This means that more than half a million people over the age of 50 are currently disabled in Singapore.

The revelation of the Ministry of Health: only 15,000 out of 1.3 million subscribers and more than 15,000 out of 500,000 The ministry made the revelation in a Facebook post today as it reacted to the viral history of an elderly amputee who died weeks after the reinstatement of her Eldershield benefits. The story of the late Mr. K has unfolded to the despair of many Singaporeans after Sylvia Lim, president of the Workers Party, shared his story in Parliament last week.

The opposition MP revealed that the resident was suffering from advanced renal failure. was an Eldershield policy holder until the plan revoked his benefits as he could "partially" perform 6 activities of daily living (ADL).

The government considers severely disabled people and will pay insurance benefits when they can do three ADLs: wash themselves; s & # 39; dress; to feed themselves; use the toilet alone; to move inside by themselves; passing from a bed to a chair straight by themselves.

Even though the resident was so ill that he could only do these activities "partially", the authorities decided to terminate his benefits.

When Lim intervened to appeal the decision on behalf of the resident, he was told that the resident must complete more documents. Since the resident languished in a hospice at that time, his daughter had to do what was necessary. A month after the authorities had decided to restore his Eldershield benefits, the resident died.

According to a surfer who claimed to be the older brother of the amputee, the invalid's wife was "going from one institution to another". because we have never met their protocol. "Adding that his young nieces who are in their 20s were the ones who kept the house running, the surfer shared his brother's struggles before moving on. [19659002] In a Facebook post, MOH revealed today that Mr. K joined ElderShield 300 at the age of 52 in 2002 and started submitting ElderShield applications in September 2014. Over the next two years Mr. K received payments from a private insurer totaling $ 7,500.

MOH pointed out that the payments received by Mr. K were [traduction] "higher than the total premiums paid ( approximately $ 3,100). "

According to the Ministry, Eldershield's benefits from Singapore were revoked in September 2016 after a doctor stated that Mr. K did not meet the criteria to receive payments It should be noted that the amputee elder did not receive his benefits. Eldershield for seven to eight months, between September 2016 and April 2017.

In March of the following year, Sylvia Lim appealed and the insurer resumed payments after another assessment. Mr. K resumed receiving payments in April 2017. In May 2017, he passed away.

In his page on social media, the Department of Health said that he "was now checking with the insurer and the doctor the reasons for the September 2016 assessment. If there have been any failures on the part of the insurer or doctor, we will not hesitate to act against them. "

It is curious that the Ministry of Health only checks the assessment of September 2016, almost two years after this evaluation and more"

The Ministry of Health then said: "ElderShield has benefited over 15,000 insured since the start of the program in 2002. Cash payments have helped reduce their long-term care costs.As ElderShield policyholders age, we can expect more serious disabilities and the total number of claims will increase in the future. "

Referencing Appeals to Review the Strict Conditions of Eligibility and Claim That Government Imposes on Plan Insureds Like Eldershield and Next Careshield Life, MOH said:

"The ElderShield review panel acknowledged that the current claims process can be improved. He made several recommendations to simplify the claims process and make it more convenient for subscribers. The Department of Health will implement these enhancements for CareShield Life when the system begins in 2020. "

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