The doctors said we are eating sugar


Медики рассказали, что происходит с нами, когда мы едим сахар

Sugar negatively affects most body systems. If you can not imagine my life without sugar and do not know the steps in the consumption of "sweet", then we have some bad news for you.

Here are eight examples of how to treat the body and lead to the development of diseases:

1. One mashpotato – a type of sugar that is contained in the fruits and affects the reward center of the brain. Excessive use of cognitive abilities. 2. Goldsher also affects the feeling of satiety and stimulates the appetite, is constantly urging us to eat "one more cookie".

3. Cowslick sugar in the body of the restoration of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Regular eating sweets leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

4. Obespecheni able to metabolize sugar and use it for energy, but only up to certain levels. Excess fructose turns into fat, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes of the 2nd type and cardiovascular disease.

5. We accelerate the oxidation process in our cells, causing damage to proteins, tissues and organs, leading to liver disease, kidney failure and cataracts.

6. Zavisimostyakh releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for the most pleasant of feelings and affect our motivation. When you eat sweets, the dopamine receptors get over-stimulation, the number of linked receptors decreases, so you'll need to eat more fun.

7. On Stress Candy Lower Levels of the Stress Hormone – Cortisol, Do not Attempt to Sixteen the Overvoltage Sweet. Exercising is the best solution for stress.

8. On the basis of carbohydrate in the presence of carbohydrates, in vitro and in the bloodstream, so you have energy for a while. But then comes the lethargy. Better fill vegetables with fresh berries or fresh vegetables and hummus.

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