The emergency lighting of HDB blocks complies with SCDF standards, News on the Web.


We refer to the letter from Mr. Steven Lo Chock Fei (Still in the dark about emergency lighting in the HDB blocks; November 2).

All blocks of the Housing Authority must meet the requirements of the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) Fire Prevention Code in effect at the time of construction.

When required by SCDF, HDB will incorporate the latest fire safety provisions when the building undergoes major upgrades.

"Major Modernization Works" refers to construction works that involve major additions and modifications to the existing structure.

In such a situation, the SCDF requires that the fire safety provisions of the building be reviewed to ensure that they comply with the latest requirements of the fire code.

The HDB modernization programs that involve the construction of new elevator shaft structures, for example, are considered major modernization works. In this case, emergency lighting will be installed in the stairs adjacent to the entrance halls of these new elevator cages.

Improvement work under the Habitat Improvement Program is limited to individual residential units. SCDF does not classify them as "major modernization work" and emergency lights are not added to the common areas of the HDB blocks.

Tan Hwee Yong (Ms.)

Director (Development and Project Management)

Housing and Development Council

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