The FCP and the City have yet to decide on the Champions League, Confederation Cup


The Herald

Mukudzei Chingwere Sports Reporter
The two clubs selected for the next edition of the CAF Champions League and the CAF Confederation Cup – FC Platinum and Harare City – did not not yet decided if they agree to represent the country.

CAF has agreed to change the timing of both competitions to align with the European calendar, but the next edition starts in December and the deadline for registration is October 15th.

This year's league championship is known as the league ends only in November or December

This left the league leaders with no choice but to recommend that FC Platinum and Harare City take part in two tournaments

Platinum are the current champions of Zimbabwe, while Harare City is the holder of the first playoff tournament in the country.

"The decision was made that we are supposed to represent the country in the Confederation Cup, but as a club we have yet to decide," said Harare City President Alois Masepe, who overthrew the club situation

"The club will have to discuss the issue and we will convene a meeting to decide on this, but for the moment I can not say whether we will participate or not.

" C & # 39 is the decision of the club and it is only after we accepted as club that we will communicate our official position. "19659004] Harare City did not take part in the Confederation Cup of this year after slipping into Division One.

The club said it wanted to focus on returning to the Premiership.

However, the team received a lifeline. The mine s & rsquo; Collapsed and they played well in the Premiership under the direction of l & # 3; Coach Mark Harrison

FC Platinum Media Liaison Officer Chido Chizondo said his club would first meet with his partners before accepting the offer. still to deliberate whether we take the offer or not, no decision has yet been taken, "she said.

" We will need to get together as a club and make a decision as has always been the case. [19659004"WeneedtomeetsomeofourpartnersbeforewemakesuchacommitmentandthenmeetwiththeentrepreneursWecanthendecideonthenextmove"

FC Platinum made two appearances in the Champions League.

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