Photo: Mitch M / Shutterstock / com
While Singapore announces a new $ 25 million synthetic biology (R & D) research and development program to study the sustainable production of medicinal cannabinoids, 6 young people have been arrested for possession of cannabis. While the new cannabinoids research program is hailed as a groundbreaking science that will help stimulate Singapore's synthetic biology research, these 6 young people who have been arrested will likely be presumed to be drug traffickers and face the death penalty.
group is experimenting cannabis under cover of science for medicinal purposes, the other is illegal smuggling. There is clearly a difference. That said, is the dividing line between the two scenarios so wide that, if the ceremony is greeted with great fanfare, the latter is potentially welcomed by the gallows?
Is not it ironic that a country can appreciate the uses of cannabis? and indeed wishes that his participation in the culture also sends teenagers to the gallows to experiment with the same drug?
While many countries legalize cannabis, Singapore (a proud first-world country) continues to presume that anyone who carries more than 500 grams of cannabis is a drug dealer, resulting in the death penalty. Given that Singapore clearly recognizes the potential medicinal properties of cannabis, is it not time to update its obsolete cannabis laws? At the very least, should we give up the presumption of guilt on people who carry more than 500 grams of cannabis?
This is what I find most puzzling about the Singapore government. On the one hand, it is said that Singapore seeks to be a place that attracts new and divergent ideas. But at the same time, he will punish his citizens for raising ideas that seem to contradict the views of the government. Another example is when he says that he wants to protect the voices of minorities in the government, but that he is offering minorities the most politically powerless position in the country. What is it to say that she does not intend to raise the goods and services tax before the 2015 general election and to revert to this promise recently? In addition, while pledging to ensure that no one is left behind, he continues to announce increases in electricity and water.
Seriously, guys, what is happening? he?
They are now doing exactly the same thing with mixed-signal cannabis. What exactly is the government's position on the issues? It seems that it is not possible to have a clear picture. I always scratch my head.
This entry was posted in Opinion, Tech.
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