The NSF SCDF family viewed CCTV videos of an alleged ringing incident, Singapore News and Top Stories


SINGAPORE – Family Corporal (Cpl) Kok Yuen Chin, 22, viewed CCTV footage of the alleged incident that led to her death in May.

Cpl Kok's parents, siblings, aunts and girlfriends videotaped at the Police Station Complex on Tuesday morning (July 24), one day before five men allegedly involved in his death were indicted in court.

The images captured the series of events that took place on May 13 before the death of Cpl Kok, a full-time national soldier (NSF) of the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF).

His father, Mr. Kok Meng Hwa, 56, construction worker, said the video clips totaled

They showed the initial celebration of Cpl Kok's imminent operational date, the moment he was pushed into the pump, and the 40-minute rescue attempt by the station mates when Cpl Kok did not surface. , a PR of Singapore from Malaysia.

When asked "He felt about the pictures," Mr. Kok said in Mandarin: "He's not there yet, I do not know what I can say about him." 39; other to change that. "

However, the indictment of the five SCDF soldiers allegedly involved in the death of his son left him in conflict.

"They were really celebrating, they even had a cake.If they are punished, I will not get my son back.But they are not punished, it's also bad for my son," he said. said Mr. Kok, who did not attend Wednesday's meeting because he had to work.

He said that the family had received a sum of money from Cpl Kok

Cpl Kok's aunt, Helen Kok, 55, a nurse, said that the family had asked to see the family. other segments of the video at the meeting, but that she had been rejected.

"Maybe they showed us the most important parts, but I think seeing it all will really help us understand it."

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