The Red Lions' favorite crowd will attempt a record-breaking 3,800-meter run at this year's NDP, Business Insider


Divers and paratroopers will break records at this year's NDP

The Singapore Army Parachute Team – The Red Lions – and the Battle Divers the Singapore Navy will go through important milestones this year.

The team consisting of ten men will perform a jump from a record of 3800 meters from a C-130 Hercules plane over Sentosa and then slide to the top. Where the floating platform of Marina Bay where the NDP will take place, said the Ministry of Defense (MINDEF).

For jumping, which is 750 meters higher than the previous ones, the jumpers had to take a special two-week training program in the USA.

They will be free to fall for about a minute with speeds up to about 200 km / h.

The leader of the Red Lions team, 1st Warrant Officer (1WO) Ivan Low, said: Training began as a start in February. All of our jumps are at the team level, so we have to go through many different scenarios to perfect our jumps. "

As they climb into the sky, the Red Lions will form a nine-man formation, while Major (MAJ) Arnold Low will capture the aerial action as a Lions cameraman Reds

Before that, elite naval combat divers will perform for the first time a freefall waterfall in full operational equipment.

Divers from the Republic of Singapore's Navy will jump from a Super Puma helicopter at 1830 meters in the waters around the floating platform Marina Bay.

They will then deploy their military parachutes at 1220 meters to form a vertical pile. From 213 meters , divers will land precisely in a designated drop zone in the waters.

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