The scientists said what disease can animals cure


Ученые рассказали, какие болезни могут вылечить животные Pets help us to be healthy.

Physicians are actively using therapy with animals. Particularly popular treatment cats, horses and dolphins. Animaloterapiya also available in Ukraine.

Owls, owls, storks, nightingales, cats, horses, spiders, and even domestic ducks, chickens and fighting dogs can help cure many ailments.

According to the head of a shelter for birds of Maria Mikityuk, with birds treated exclusively with psychological problems such as neuroses, psychoses, hyperactivity and the like. In particular, bird watching, children understand that they need to behave quietly, quietly, the bird was gone on contact.

Therapy in the company of cat rescues from depression, stress, nervousness and anxiety. Thanks cats patients faster out of their critical conditions.

When canistherapy (treatment dogs) animals you can touch, feed, play with them. When dealing with dogs, the patients are better on contact, as well as improving motor skills.

“Fear is what blocks our life, our emotions and normal life. Those who suffer from arachnophobia, I give them the skin of the spider (they shed) and put on the hand. And so gradually gets a real tarantula. After these sessions, the person realizes that there is no threat,” – said arachnologist Ruslan Biljakovic.

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