The stove's glass panel "explodes and breaks apart" shortly after being used


Stomper Deborah was shocked when his glass gas stove "exploded and broke" in pieces on Sunday, November 4th.

Deborah told Stomp that she was in her room when she heard a loud creak.

"My cleaning lady had prepared lunch before that happened," she said.

"She had just entered the bathroom when the window exploded and fragments flew around the kitchen.

"Fortunately, nobody was in the kitchen when it broke.

"I can not imagine if my kids were in the kitchen.

"The glass could have hurt them or even got into their eyes."

Deborah has a three-year-old daughter and a three-month-old son. She said that her daughter often went into the kitchen but luckily she did not leave that day.

"It was a scary experience!"

Deborah added that the fragments of glass thrown into the four corners of the kitchen and near the food prepared by her maid had been left on the counter.

"We did not see any big pieces in the food, but we did not dare to eat it because we were afraid little pieces would have landed on the dishes," she said.

"It's so lost and we were so hungry, but we did not dare to take the risk."

Since the stove broke, Deborah and her family have not been able to cook.

She is particularly disappointed because tomorrow is Deepavali (November 6) and she can not organize a feast to celebrate.

"Tomorrow, Deepavali and we are having a family party, but we are now stuck," she said.

"It ruined Deepavali for us."

Since then, Deborah has been complaining about the incident at Otimmo, the maker of her glass stove.

She said she only installed it last November and was told that the glass was supposed to have a lifetime guarantee.

Deborah said that she had already had a problem with one of the stove burners and that a technician had come to replace him in July.

"I want to share my experience because people should not take for granted that glass stoves are safe," she said.

"They should be aware that this kind of thing can happen."

In a similar incident that occurred in February last year, a resident of Pasir Ris' Turbo Italia hob broke up while she was boiling the oven. meat.

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