The authorities of the ancestral Turkish city of football star Mesut Ozil erected a new sign stating that he was posing with President Tayyip Erdogan after leaving the German team, saying that He was "racist and disrespectful" for his Turkish
Add to favorites [19659007ISTANBUL:LesautoritésdelavilleturqueancestraledelastardufootballMesutOzilontérigéunnouveaupanneauindiquantqu'ilposaitavecleprésidentTayyipErdoganaprèsquelejoueureutquittél'équipeallemandeaffirmantqu'ilétait”racisteetirrespectueux”desesracinesturques] The The sign "Mesut Ozil Avenue", named in the honor of the player, replaces the one who represents him wearing the international band of the A Germany, the country of his birth.
The image of a smiling Ozil and Erdogan side by side, holding the shirt of his English club Arsenal, sparked an argument in Germany when the photo was taken in May.
Erdogan, who was campaigning for reelection when the photo was taken, drew criticism in Germany for a crackdown following a coup attempt in 2016, with the president responding in kind.
Mustafa Semerci, the mayor of the city of Devrek – the original home of the Ozil family – said that he had changed sign after "Ozil, 29, a key member of the The German winning team of the World Cup in 2014, was also photographed with Erdogan with Ilkay Gundogan, a teammate of the same Turkish descent.
The announcement by Ozil to no longer play for Germany comes in a political debate over an influx of 1.6 million migrants over the past four years who has fueled a resurgence of the far right and weakened support to traditional parties. ] (Report by Daren Butler and Julia Harte, edited by David Stamp)