These products are called the key to youth


Эти продукты называют залогом молодости

They are very useful.

Researchers from the University of Warwick built the list of products, the use of which allows a person to look younger, despite real age. Due to the substances in the product activates the regeneration of cells and tissues – this gives the effect of rejuvenation, reports the with reference to

Scientists said that the existence of “special substances” in some food helps to improve digestion and intestinal flora, which ultimately affects the rejuvenation of the body. In particular, such “magical” components, according to them, are the amino acids arginine and lysine is responsible for the signals of saturation, which is supplied into the digestive tract to the brain. Eating foods with arginine and lysine, protects against overeating and provides a slim figure. But it’s also important, noted scientists, that the food not only helped not to gain weight, she should be a supplier of nutrients for the body. Therefore, it is important to use products that have a set of different trace elements most useful for health.

In compiled by scholars, the list includes the following products:- chicken, Turkey, pork (blade);- mackerel, tuna, anchovies, crabs;- hard cheese;- walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, sesame and other nuts.

“Put them in the daily diet. With their help, you will be able to maintain normal weight and to withstand premature aging process”, – gave advice to the experts.

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