These products are not recommended to use simultaneously


Эти продукты не рекомендуется употреблять одновременно Doctors call the harmful combination of ingredients.

Nutritionists say that the 6 most popular combinations of products that often include in your diet every person, in the end cause serious harm, as it does not provide useful components to prove themselves and only exacerbate their negative effects.

For example, many Breakfast enjoy a Cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy a sandwich with a slice of favorite cheese, not knowing that not only saturate the body with a huge portion of carbohydrates, but also impair the absorption of important calcium, which is a lot cheese.

To avoid bloating and pain, it is better to abandon loved the combination of cheese with meat and/or pasta, because in this dish the zinc becomes a real aggressor, which blocks phosphorus, and activates the process of fermentation of carbohydrates.

Harmful turned out to be a combination of some vegetables: as it turned out, the enzymes cucumbers and tomatoes are categorically not compatible, and therefore should eat these foods separately.

Unpleasant problems with the gastrointestinal tract can not be avoided by eating potatoes with butter: this combination nourishes the body with unnecessary fats, stimulates insulin production, which further leads to quick weight gain.

Do not combine potatoes and eggs, because calcium and iron, the latter very badly interact with the minerals of the vegetable.

By making small adjustments in your daily diet in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists, people really can not only delicious, but also useful to eat, avoiding all unpleasant sensations in the stomach and not gaining unnecessary weight.

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